Social Media Toolkit to share our work - Climate Justice Alliance

Social Media Toolkit to share our work

As a new year approaches, the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) is kicking off our end-of-the-year giving campaign and encourages you to lend your support to your passions, social causes and the people who you believe are making a difference in the world.  We hope CJA will be one of them!

The Climate Justice Alliance leads with collective solutions from those communities who are affected first and worst from environmental racism, social inequality and climate change. You can move this work for a Just Transition, away from extractive and polluting industries and toward renewable and regenerative models, forward by amplifying the call to support the organizing work of frontline communities.



Use these hashtags AND don’t forget to tag us @CJAOurPower to amplify your posts:


Chose any of the images below to help support the work of CJA and encourage others to give by sharing them with your own personal appeal message!  If you’re busy, we’ve included some draft posts you can use below. Click on any of the image thumbnails below, and scroll through the gallery by using the arrows to the right and the left of the images. To download an image, right click on the image and chose “Save as” to save the image to your computer.

Sample Facebook and Instagram posts

  • The Climate Justice Alliance has spent 2020 supporting organizations playing an important role in addressing environmental and economic injustice across the country. This holiday season, will you help CJA to do even more in 2021 by donating today?
  • This holiday season, join me and #GiveClimateJustice by donating to Climate Justice Alliance–a trans-local alliance of organizations at the forefront of climate and economic justice.
  • From rapid response to the COVID pandemic to folks from the frontlines meeting with their legislators on Capitol Hill–2020 has been a non-stop year for Climate Justice Alliance and their members. Let’s end this year strong by donating and making sure 2021 will be even more successful

Sample Tweets

  • Want to support Climate Justice this holiday season? @CJAOurPower works with frontline groups across the country and you can support their work here:
  • For the holidays this year, join me in donating to @CJAOurPower–an organization dedicated to supporting the frontlines of climate justice.
  • Let’s make this holiday season about what matters: Climate Justice. Donate to @CJAOurPower today
  • I just donated to @CJAOurPower!  Will you do the same and share this appeal?  Let’s help sustain the work of frontline communities and fight against climate change.  #ClimateJustice
  • I just became a monthly supporter of the Climate Justice Alliance. Won’t you consider supporting their End-of-the-Year Giving Campaign and help us build resilient, regenerative and equitable communities:
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