Free Palestine
is a climate justice issue
The path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine
Together with Movement Generation and Survival Media Agency, Climate Justice Alliance created a short video that uses an anti-colonial framework to show how Climate Justice and the liberation of Palestine are connected.
Our hope in creating this new resource is to mobilize additional sectors of the climate movement for the fight to free Palestine, and to begin to shift the politics of the mainstream climate movement from carbon fundamentalism to climate justice.
Climate Justice Alliance member groups are taking action in solidarity with Palestine.
Richmond is out in force tonight as our city council votes on a resolution in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
If passed, Richmond would be the first city to pass a Palestine solidarity measure.
— APEN (@APEN4EJ) October 25, 2023
This morning, as dozens of organizers sat in the Hart U.S. Senate building demanding #CeasefireNOW and end to US aid to Israel, one climbed the statue at the center and sang in solidarity w/Palestine, inspired by this South African Anti-Apartheid movement song. #StopArmingIsrael
— GGJ (@ggjalliance) December 11, 2023
As an environmental justice org, CBE recognizes the intersections between race, colonialism, and other systems of oppression. We condemn the state sponsored, US-backed genocide of Palestinian communities. Our hearts go out to everyone and call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
— CBECal (@CBECal) October 19, 2023
We had 32 calls made yesterday! ☎️Call, 📱Call, 📞Call! 🤳Why Calls? Well they get your message across more quickly. Emails and letters are often sorted and can take weeks to make same impact that your phone call can make TODAY. Calls get tallied daily and are reported.
— OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon/OPAL PDX (@OPALEJOR) November 2, 2023
March on Washington: Climate Justice Contingent for Palestine
As environmental justice communities hailing from sacrifice zones across the United States, we are answering the call to stand in solidarity with Palestinian people on the frontlines of genocidal warfare. We stand firmly on the side of peace and support the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, decolonization and life.
Climate Justice Alliance took to the streets of Washington, DC on November 4 together with our member groups Acta Non Verba, Asian Pacific Environmental Coalition, Communities for a Better Environment, Grassroots International, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, GreenRoots, EarthCare New Mexico, Micronesia Climate Change Alliance, Organización Boricuá, Peoples Justice Council, Rich City Rides, Urban Tilth, YUCCA, and others.
Recognizing that our relatives in the Global South bear the brunt of the climate crisis while they have contributed the least, we aim to joined forces with the Caribbean, Central American and Filipino contingents. The inequity of climate crisis impacts across the globe is mirrored within the United States. We rise together.
Photo by Michael Malcom of CJA member group The People’s Justice Council
Climate justice calls upon us to wage love for people and the planet. Now is the time to rise up and join the fight to free Palestine.
Sheila Babauta of Micronesia Climate Change Alliance is part of the Climate Justice Contingent at the #FreePalestine march in Washington, DC
— Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) 🌻 (@CJAOurPower) November 4, 2023
Climate Justice Alliance Calls on Biden, Congress to Demand a Ceasefire by Israel and Hamas; not Genocide with US Taxpayer Dollars
Climate Justice Alliance has always stood against imperialism, colonization and oppression. This includes opposing all forms of violence, war and genocide.
As environmental justice communities based in the United States, we call on Biden and the US Congress to support an immediate end to the violence by publicly demanding a ceasefire within the region. We stand firmly on the side of peace and support the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, decolonization and life.
We are clear about the harms of war, not only on people, but also on the environment. For generations, Palestinians have been living under a system of apartheid, breathing in toxic air and consuming food grown on soil contaminated by bombs and other tools of destruction.
With this newest round of genocidal attacks by Israel on the civilian Palestinian population, that has forced thousands to flee and live without water, food and electricity which is continuously blockaded and shut off, the Israel government has defied international law; President Biden must oppose this.
We know that war breeds death, not democracy and will only further harm people and the planet for generations to come. US taxpayer dollars must not be used to support a policy of genocide. We stand in solidarity with all those fighting for justice and peace, especially those families who have lost loved ones in Israel and Palestine, and all those who continue to be under fire today.

Artwork by Miranda Cohen
Palestine Art for Protests
Movement artists have always been on the forefront of movements that resist oppression and work for social change. They create art that fuels the imagination of the world that is possible. Micah Bazant, one of the stewards of Creative Wildfire is part of an effort to compile art that you are invited to use for Palestine solidarity protest actions. The artists names are included in the file names.
Additional Resources
It Takes Roots issued a statement, calling on the larger environmental and climate movement to stand with frontline and Indigenous movements by calling for a ceasefire.
Ongoing Alternative News Sources
Palestine Digital Action Toolkit from the Palestinian Feminist Collective.
Staying safe online in the context of conflict in Gaza
For individuals protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza, elevating reliable sources of information, and advocating for a just peace in the region, this guide is for you.
- Movement Generation
- Arab Resource and Organizing Center Statement
- Grassroots Global Justice Alliance Statement
- Grassroots International Statement
- Jewish Voice for Peace Statement
- La Via Campesina Call to Action
- Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition
- Movement for Black Lives Statement
- Rising Majority Statement