Timeline Archives - Climate Justice Alliance

CJA Black Caucus Regranting Program

Climate Justice Alliance’s Black Caucus announced the recipients of its regranting program. A total of $170,000 will be regranted to 11 organizations spanning 9 states to make a meaningful impact within Black communities. Each organization has the flexibility to...

CJA Welcomes New Executive Director

After completing an extensive and thoroughly competitive search over the summer and into the fall of 2024, CJA’s Board of Directors chose KD Chavez as the new Climate Justice Alliance Executive Director! As our Alliance continues to grow our power, lead innovative...

EJ Movement Defeats the Energy Permitting Reform Act

EJ Movement Defeats the Energy Permitting Reform Act This Dirty Deal Would Have Harmed Communities We won! The dirty deal is dead! Together, we have protected our right to clean air and water in our communities. Yet again, we DEFEATED a policy that would have...

Just Recovery Brigade to Guåhan

CJA’s Just Recovery Working Group traveled to Guåhan in October 2024 to support Micronesia Climate Change Alliance’s (MCCA) community resilience efforts. During our time in the Mariåna Islands, we visited MCCA’s newly established resilience hub, participated in a...

Frontline Climate Week

Frontline Communities Lead the Way Ten years ago Climate Justice Alliance, along with our members and allies, brought together over 400,000 people to march through the streets of New York City demanding bold climate action. The fact that local frontline communities...

Being the Change Training for Trainers

CJA held a Being the Change Training for Trainers over the course of 4½ days in Atlanta (January 24-27, 2024). 35 participants from 15 organizations participated in the Being the Change training, and 30 stayed for the Training for Trainers. Purpose, Outcomes and Next...
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