CJA Joins with More Than 60 Environmental and Community Organizations to Oppose Representative Westerman’s “Dirty Deal” Designed to Undermine the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) - Climate Justice Alliance

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Today, legislators in the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Natural Resources discussed Rep. Bruce Westerman’s (R-AK) proposed bill to amend the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which if passed would effectively undermine the ability of communities to seek environmental review and appropriate recourse over new projects in their neighborhoods. 

K.D. Chavez, interim deputy director of the Climate Justice Alliance explained: 

“The National Environmental Policy Act is the People’s Environmental Law. For half a century, it has given frontline communities, like the ones we serve, the voice and the agency to determine the types of federal projects built in our neighborhoods. Whether it’s a highway expansion, the building of a toxic incinerator, or a new polluting power plant, NEPA is one of the only legislative tools that our communities have to protect ourselves and fight for our lives and livelihoods. While improvements must be made, it’s time to strengthen NEPA, not weaken it. Let’s ensure the protection of Mother Earth and future generations to come.

“Rep. Westerman’s proposed amendments to NEPA is a massive giveaway to big business and dirty industry and would be a disaster, creating sacrifice zones that threaten the wellbeing of our families and neighborhoods. Short-circuiting the concerns of local residents didn’t work in the past, and it won’t work as we build out a clean energy future grounded in environmental justice. 

“Everyone deserves to live, work, and play in healthy communities where the air is safe to breathe and the water is safe to drink. NEPA protects the health and safety of local communities, entire regions, and the country by ensuring they are properly informed of any possible threats to their health, air quality, water sources, and environment. 

“NEPA isn’t the problem, nor are the historically marginalized communities using it to protect their neighborhoods. The problem is polluting industries that have historically put their projects and profit margins over the health and well-being of people.  

“In fact, good NEPA analysis results in better projects. It’s a bridge to building the infrastructure we need for a resilient clean energy future, not a barrier. 

Ahead of the hearing, Climate Justice Alliance joined dozens of other community and environmental organizations on a joint letter to their members of Congress urging them to oppose changes to the National Environmental Policy Act.

Read the full letter here: http://climatejusticealliance.org/NEPA 



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