NYC Frontline Climate Week - Climate Justice Alliance

NYC Frontline Climate Week

There’s No Just Transition Without Us

Frontline Communities Lead the Way

Ten years ago Climate Justice Alliance, along with our members and allies, brought together over 400,000 people to march through the streets of New York City demanding bold climate action. The fact that local frontline communities and their counterparts from around the nation led that march was no coincidence – it was the recognition that those hit first and worst should be at the forefront of change. This year, we’ll be on the ground again working to move the money towards the grassroots climate justice movement, while challenging many of the corporate-backed ideas being circulated throughout Climate Week that are harmful to people and planet.

Our communities are hosting, participating in, and disrupting events throughout the week of September 23, 2024. We are bringing people together to make sure our voices are heard at one of the most influential climate-related events in the world. If you believe the only way to solve the climate crisis is to shift from the dominant, extractive economy to localized, regenerative economies that prioritize ecological and social well-being; you’re not alone.

We are at a critical time in history, when bold action needs to happen NOW to avert the worst case scenario of climate chaos. Nobody can be left behind or forgotten along the way to the new world we need to build. The only way to make sure everyone is included is through a Just Transition. And remember, there’s no Just Transition without us.

Climate Justice Lives Here! Festival 🌻

Join UPROSE for “Climate Justice Lives Here!” on Sept. 28 in Sunset Park. The festival concludes Climate Week and marks the 10th anniversary of the People’s Climate March, celebrating the pivotal role of frontline communities in advancing climate justice.

The community festival will take place at the Brooklyn Army Terminal waterfront, offering a vibrant array of activities including cultural performances, poetry readings, learning circles, and art projects, all centered around raising awareness for climate justice. A multicultural food bazaar featuring local vendors will provide delicious offerings, while a dynamic multi-media communications strategy will amplify the often-overlooked voices and stories during Climate Week, ensuring the message—Solutions Are Local—echoes far and wide.

Upcoming Events

Climate Justice Alliance members will be on the ground in so-called New York on Lenape land from Sept. 22-28 for Climate Week 2024. We are fighting the bad, building the new, reclaiming our breath, our lands and our future. Local NYC environmental justice and climate justice communities are leading with real climate solutions. Below is a snapshot of key events that CJA member groups will be part of during Climate Week. This is just a glimpse of the powerful actions and discussions taking place. If you’re a CJA member organizing or participating at an event, reach out to [email protected] to have it listed here.

Sept. 19
12PM – 2PM

Build, Fight, Transform: Building a Regenerative Economy through the Practices of Solidarity, Decolonization, and Degrowth

As a prelude to Climate Week, the Tishman Environment Design Center will host Kali Akuno. Kali will expand on the Build and Fight Formula that Cooperation Jackson utilizes in its mission to build just communities in Jackson, Mississippi.

Sept. 23

7pm – 9pm

Documentary Film Screening: Emergent City

With extraordinary access, the film explores the profound intersections of gentrification, climate crisis and real estate development, and asks how change might emerge from dialogue and collective action in a world where too many outcomes are constrained by money, politics and business as usual.

Sept. 24
11am – 12:30pm

The Dangers of Geoengineering

Explore the extraordinary risks associated with geoengineering technologies in this expert-led panel, which includes Panganga Pungowiyi, the Climate Geoengineering Organizer of Indigenous Environmental Network. Learn about the latest science and politics behind solar and marine geoengineering and the potential dangers they pose.

Sept. 24
12pm – 4pm

Realizing the Just Transition

This funder luncheon will feature speakers from philanthropy and movement, representing institutions such as Fondation CHANEL, Nathan Cummings Foundation, Thousand Currents, and UNITE-EJ. During these action-oriented discussions attendees and speakers will delve into topics such as grantmaking for the global south, advancing Just Transition at your institution, and how federal dollars have thus far impacted our movement.

Do you work for a philanthropic institution and have interest in attending this luncheon? Contact Luis Gonzalez, [email protected], to check available space.

Sept. 25

Aligning our laws with Nature’s laws.

Expert panel with Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director of Indigenous Environmental Network, exploring the roots, shoots, and flowers of the growing field of Earth law (also known as ecocentric law).

Sept. 25
4:45 – 8PM

Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis

Please join WECAN in-person during Climate Week in New York City for an inspiring and strategic WECAN forum, “Women on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Implementing Solutions.”​

Sept. 25

Latiné Luminaries

Celebrate the vibrant culture of our Urban Latiné community leaders through music, dance, and interactive conversations. ”La Reina Del Barrio” Rhina Valentin brings together talented artists and leaders to showcase artistic expressions and cultural contributions. This year’s installment highlights internationally recognized Puerto Rican attorney and environmental and climate justice leader Elizabeth Yeampierre.

Sept. 26

6pm – 7:30pm

Grassroots Power: Perspectives on the Impact & Scale of Community-led Climate Solutions

Join us for a galvanizing conversation on how grassroots-led climate solutions are not just innovative and scalable, but essential for the systemic change we need. Panelists include leaders from frontline communities, who will share real-world examples of how these solutions drive change and address climate change threats.

Sept. 26

9am – 5pm

2024 Black Climate Leadership Summit

Taproot Noire, a formation rooted in Taproot Earth, is hosting its annual gathering during Climate Week together with Ubuntu Climate Initiative, CJA Black Caucus, Ashé Cultural Arts Center and The Chisholm Legacy Project. The theme of this Black-exclusive space is “Connecting Land + Black Liberation.”

Immediately following the Summit, Taproot Earth invites allies to experience the Liberation Lounge. Open to *all* allies of climate justice, this informal space will have refreshments and activities to manifest joy, catalyze movement, and practice shared liberation!

Sept. 28
2pm – 7pm

Climate Justice Lives Here!

UPROSE’s community festival at the Brooklyn Army Terminal waterfront in Sunset Park offers a vibrant array of activities including cultural performances, poetry readings, learning circles, and art projects, all centered around raising awareness for climate justice.

Beyond Greenwashing: Centering Justice and Real Climate Action

Much of mainstream Climate Week has devolved into prioritizing corporate greenwashing and flashy presentations over real action. Instead of addressing the urgency of the climate crisis, the event often serves as a platform for businesses to promote new investment funds, too-good-to-be-true techno-scams, and hollow green pledges, with major sponsors tied to some of the world’s most destructive companies. This corporate-driven approach is harmful to our communities.

In contrast, Frontline Climate Week events center frontline communities—those hit first and worst by climate impacts. We push for transformative solutions rooted in justice, equity, and community power, not in corporate profits. Real climate action is driven by grassroots movements and local victories, not just by international summits.

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