International Workers’ Day
Frontline Communities and Workers are Building the Regenerative Economy

Artwork by Ricardo Levins Morales
Keep the Frontlines Strong and Thriving
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear once more that only we can keep us safe, and that the extractive economy is not serving our people. Frontline, community-based organizations who make up CJA, have been building localized democracies that champion community rights to energy, housing, water, and food sovereignty. You can support the fight for people-centered regenerative economies and healthy, self-sustained communities, by donating directly to CJA member groups.
This Friday is May Day, International Workers Day; a day when workers and social movements around the world will engage in demonstrations, strikes and protests. Many frontline communities and organizations will come together this week to support workers rights and demand that local officials, Congress, the Trump Administration and corporations invest in us, not Wall Street.
There are many things you can do to participate and join frontline communities as we demand good jobs, safety and an investment in our health and future, especially for essential workers, at this moment in history.
A few are listed below and we hope you’ll participate and spread the word. If your organization or community is organizing something, let us know and we’ll help amplify your action. Just tag us @CJAOurPower
Whether you join rent strikes, the general people’s strike or your own local actions, here are some activities happening this week and on May Day that we want to make sure you know about from local to national.

Artwork by Joseph Stacey of SWOP
May Day #PeoplesBailout Livestream
Tune in at 2pm EST / 11am PST and unite to demand a People’s Bailout that includes us all.
Para traducción, llame 1- 646-558-8656, ponga el ID de Mitin 931 9288 2723 y marcar la señal de # para entrar a la llamada y mire a través de la transmisión en vivo.
MayDay Events
Once again workers and social movements around the world are engaged in demonstrations, strikes, and protests. This year, however, the stakes are even higher.
Not only are our frontline members showing up to pick our food, serve their communities, and care for those who need it most at great risk to themselves and their families–they are also taking action to continue to push for good jobs, safety, and investment in our health and future.
CJA Member Only Just Recovery Call on MayDay at 1pm EST/ 10am PST with Cindy Wiesner of Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Maria Lopez of Ironbound Community Corporation and Michael Guerrero of Labor Network for Sustainability who will share more about MayDay actions (locally and nationally) to support frontline workers. At 2pm EST/ 11am PST we will transition live to join the People’s Bailout virtual rally and livestream so make sure to join!
Ironbound, New Jersey
In New Jersey, join Ironbound Community Corporation’s week of actions, culminating in a day of activities on Friday to demand that economic and health recovery include the workers, renters, homeowners, and immigrants who hold our society together.
At 9am EST, post signs outside your window/door sharing how many #DaysWithout relief you have gone.
At 12pm EST, join phone banking to your local elected officials and at 2pm EST join the cacerolazo by banging pots and pans at home.
At 8pm EST join them for a live cultural night online.
Jackson, Mississippi
In Mississippi, Cooperation Jackson has a day of activities planned in coordination with the People’s Strike, a growing coalition of workers, community, and political organizations confronting the COVID-19 pandemic by struggling against inept government and the forces of Wall Street to put people before profit.
10am-12pm CDT Community production mask distribution. More information here.
11am- 1pm CDT Car Caravan to assemble at the Kuwasi Balagoon Center for Economic Democracy and Sustainable Development located at 939 W. Capitol Street, Jackson, MS.
Livestream throughout the day at
San Francisco, California
In San Francisco, PODER is doing May Day a little differently this year. Join the SF May Day Car Caravan from 12-2pm PST to #CancelRent, Mortgage & Utility Payments and Demand #HomesForAll and a #DebtFreeFuture with tenants, homeless residents, workers and families!
Detroit, Michigan
In Michigan, join Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition, EMEAC, and Soulardarity in the #Turniton #keepiton campaign by demanding the Michigan Public Service Commission and state legislature support a just response to COVID-19. Sign the Water Right Petition.
Olympia, Washington
In Olympia, Washington, Community to Community Development is going to call attention to the state’s negligence of farmworker health and safety with a car caravan from 12noon – 3pm PST. As has happened so often in the past, farmworkers are expected to risk their lives during this crisis to bring food to our tables. Farmworkers are an essential workforce but they continue to be treated as expendable.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
In Burque, New Mexico, the SouthWest Organizing Project (SWOP) and other organizations are doing a MayDay “Cruise to Crush Capitalism” car parade, a Bang pots against Bank Bailouts action, and a #FreeThemAll action at the Cibola Detention Center.
Washington, DC
In Washington, DC, the #ShutDownDC coalition will swarm the Capitol and White House. Come by car, bike or on foot. Wear masks and other appropriate personal protective equipment and keep each-other safe by practicing appropriate physical distancing.
Puerto Rico
Gulf South
In the Gulf South, the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy and others will discuss local environmental justice organizing in South Louisiana and Central Texas, and why the Gulf South must be a leader in fighting for clean air, healthy land and green jobs.
In Florida, support essential workers by sharing this open letter with the Governor @GovRonDeSantis on social media. When you do, ask him to act now to #ProtectFarmworkersNow! All essential workers deserve basic protections. You can also support farmworkers and immigrant workers on the frontlines by supporting the WeCount! Mutual Aid (South Florida Farmworkers) and –Farmworkers Association of Florida (Statewide).
Indianapolis, Indiana
In Indiana, the KHEPRW Institute is holding an online round-table conversation with youth and young adults about how the crisis has impacted them, their education, work and their perspective on the future.
Friday, May 1st (national)
People’s Bailout Livestream Rally at 2pm EST/ 11am PST.
Make posters and join the twitter storm to influence Congress and the White House or join local car caravans to show your solidarity with workers and those on the frontlines. Click here for information on how you can take action.