Disclaimer: Climate Justice Alliance does not endorse any type of candidate.
Climate Justice Alliance is challenging the extractive economy that is harming people and ecosystems
In these new times of political uncertainty, grassroots communities continue to lead the way forward.
About the Alliance
We envision a world in which fairness, equity and ecological rootedness are core values
Climate Justice Alliance members have won significant victories against polluting and extractive industries. We are building local alternatives that center traditional ecological and cultural knowledge and create a pathway for a regenerative future.

Our Power Campaign
As frontline communities, we pilot solutions and organize collectively to shut down the extractive economy
Climate Justice Alliance is amplifying the leadership of the original Our Power Communities while expanding to 70 communities in seven regions that are home to key grassroots groups. These groups organize to end the era of extreme energy and implement a Just Transition that promotes local control of resources (including energy, land, water, and food systems).
Together, we are advancing bold, grounded and interlinked strategies across the country
Six meta-strategies undergird the Climate Justice Alliance projected vision through 2020, and will continue to influence the trajectory of alliance work.
Just Transition
Just Transition is our
main organizing framework
The Just Transition framework is a vision-led, unifying and place-based set of principles, processes and practices that build economic and political power to shift from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy.

Grassroots and Movement Building Organizations
Climate Justice Alliance membership is rooted in a shared landscape analysis, priorities and overall vision. Our alliance includes base-building frontline organizations (BFOs), Alliances, Networks, and Movement Support Organizations.
Recent News
There is no Climate Justice without Abolition; Abolish the Police, Dismantle White Supremacy, Not Another Black Life
As the Black Caucus of Climate Justice Alliance we join calls with our families, friends, and comrades to demand the abolishment of all systems of harm including the police, and investment in self-determined communities. We...
Climate Justice Alliance Calls on US, Biden to Adopt Real Solutions to the Climate Crisis, Pay their Fair Share through Safe Solutions & Comprehensive Investments
Contact: 301-613-4767 [email protected] Today, many in the US will shift their focus to climate change and the myriad ways people can work to stop it. Frontline communities will continue organizing trans-locally to fight the bad and build the new in...
Climate Justice Alliance Stands in Solidarity with Frontline Communities Battling False Solutions, Cautions Against Replicating Failed Cap and Trade Policy
Contact: Olivia Burlingame [email protected] Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) strongly opposes market based approaches to the climate crisis such as Cap and Trade. These false “solutions” are essentially revenue schemes for big business and will only...
“Having an alliance of US frontline communities to strategically confront the existing tyranny of our country and present real solutions is needed right now.”
– Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network