240 Organizations Send Letter to Congress Opposing FY 2025 Interior Appropriations Bill - Climate Justice Alliance

July 19, 2024

Dear Members of the U.S. House and Senate Committees on Appropriations,

Earlier this month, the House Appropriations Committee marked up a spending bill to be voted on by the full House of Representatives. If passed it would mandate a slew of harmful policies, reversals, cuts and backward motion that the environmental and climate justice movements have won over the last few decades, among many other significant gains made by social justice movements in our country.

This bill is audacious in scope and the amount of harm it could unleash on the environment and frontline and fenceline communities in particular, is daunting. However, this is not just an attack on climate or environmental justice gains, but will also roll back decades of human rights, racial justice, anti-homophobic, and economic justice advances that we simply can’t afford to lose. 

On behalf of our members representing thousands of communities across the country, climate experts, and the larger environmental and climate justice movement, we strongly urge you to oppose this dangerous bill that has tacked on more than 80 highly political, poison-pill policy riders, that will only exacerbate rather than improve the climate crisis and environmental injustice.  

Here are just a few of the most egregious environmental justice provisions we oppose and ask that you remove as you work to craft a bi-partisan budget proposal that is grounded in combating climate change rather than promoting a political agenda that sacrifices people and planet.

  • It will require the Secretary of the Interior to resume quarterly onshore oil and gas lease sales and mandates new oil and gas leasing at a time when the climate crisis and extreme weather are accelerating with disastrous effects;(1) 
  • It slashes agencies’ resources, including the EPA budget by a whopping 20% or a $1.82 billion reduction, which means a significant loss in climate related action to cool the planet, regulate polluters and fund clean up measures, putting all communities’ health at risk;(2) 
  • It sacrifices entire communities and public lands for the oil and gas industries’ bottom line and blocks the Administration’s NEPA rules which will essentially end any consideration for climate change and its impacts in new permitting processes, favoring dirty industry over community health and well-being at every turn;(3)
  • It will no longer fund eight of the Administration’s climate change executive orders including the Environmental Justice Executive Order that acknowledges the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities and aims to address it;(4)
  • It singles out and blocks funding for “American Climate Corps, Climate Justice Alliance, and ecogrief counseling” in what can only be seen as mean-spirited and hostile tactics to attack the very communities most impacted by the climate crisis.(5)

We strongly urge you to vote no on any spending package that includes these controversial poison-pill riders when it comes before you in your respective chambers. We need more investments for real climate solutions and strong safeguards for communities against polluting industries, not less. We further ask that you remain steadfast in your support of your constituents’ ability to exercise their rights to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly and ask you to oppose any spending package that sacrifices environmental justice communities by specifically targeting our organizations and communities in any legislation arising from a compromise or concession this fall. That would set a dangerous precedent for us all. 

Sincerely yours, 

1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations

18 Million Rising

198 methods

350 Bay Area Action

350 Triangle 


350 Hawaii


7 Directions of Service

AAPI Victory Alliance

Accelerate Neighborhood Climate Action

AFGE Local 704

Agri-Cultura Cooperative Network

Agricultural Justice Project 

Alaska Community Action on Toxics

Alaska Wilderness League Action

Alianza for Progress

Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Inc.

Alliance for Affordable Energy

Alliance for Appalachia

Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments


American Jewish World Service

Animals Are Sentient Beings, Inc.

Appalachian Voices

Arab Resource & Organizing Center

Asian Pacific Environmental Network

Alternatives for Community and Environment


Bay Area-System Change not Climate Change 

Between the Waters

Beyond Plastics Greater Boston

Black Dirt Farm Collective

Breathe Project 

Building Equity and Alignment for Environmental Justice

Businesses for a Livable Climate

Buy Local, Grow Local

California Communities Against Toxics

California Environmental Justice Coalition 

Call to Action Colorado


Catholic Network US

Catskill Mountainkeeper 

Chesapeake Climate Action Network Action Fund

Center for Biological Diversity

Center for Coalfield Justice

Center for Earth Energy and Democracy 

Center for International Environmental Law

Center For Oil and Gas Organizing 

Central Florida Jobs With Justice

Change Begins With ME

Chatham Research Group

Cherokee Concerned Citizens 

Citizens’ Resistance At Fermi Two 

Clean Air Council

Clean Energy Action

Clean Water Action 

Climate Action 

Climate Hawks Vote

Climate Justice Alliance

Coal River Mountain Watch

Color Brighton Green

Colorado Businesses for a Livable Climate

Colorado Farm & Food Alliance

Color Brighton Green 

Communities for a Better Environment 

Community for Sustainable Energy

Concerned Citizens of Wagon Mound and Mora County

Concerned Health Professionals of Pennsylvania

CURE Minnesota

Defend Our Health

Delaware Riverkeeper Network

Democracy Out Loud

Detroit Black Community Food Sovereignty Network 

Don’t Waste Arizona

Earth Ethics, Inc.




Elders Climate Action


Empower Our Future

Endangered Species Coalition

Energy Justice Network

Environmental Protection Network

Environmental Transformation Movement of Flint

Evergreen Action

Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area

Family Farm Defenders

Florida Rising

Food & Water Watch

Food in Neighborhoods Community Coalition

For a Better Bayou

Fresh Water Accountability Project Ohio

Fresnans Against Fracking

Fridays for Future Capital District NY

Friends of the Earth

Front and Centered

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives 

Got Green

Grassroots Environmental Education

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

Great Plains Action Society

Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition 

Green Education and Legal Fund

Green New Deal Network

Green Workers Alliance



Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart

HEAL (Health, Environment, Agriculture, Labor) Food Alliance

Healthy Gulf

Healthy Ocean Coalition

Indigenous Environmental Network

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program

Ironbound Community Corporation

Just Transition Alliance

Just Transition Northwest Indiana

Justice Is Global

Kelly Street Garden

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth

Kinda Black Radio

La Plazita Institute

LaPlaca and Associates LLC

Latino Outdoors

League of Conservation Voters

Long Island Progressive Coalition

Los Padres Forest Watch

Louisiana Against False Solutions

Micronesia Climate Change Alliance

Milwaukee Riverkeeper


Mothers Out Front

Mothers Out Front Roanoke

Mujeres Unidas y Activas

Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment

NAACP-Utica/Oneida County NY

National Family Farm Coalition

National Wildlife Federation

Native Movement

Native Organizers Alliance 

Natural Capitalism Solutions

Natural Resources Defense Council

NC Climate Justice Collective

Neighbors Against the Gas Plants

New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance

New Mexico Environmental Law Center

New York City Environmental Justice Alliance

NY Renews

Newark Water Coalition

Nicaragua Center for Community Action

No Coal in Oakland

North American Climate, Conservation and Environment

North Carolina League of Conservation Voters

Northeast Organic Farming Association

Northeast Organic Farming Association of MA 

Northeast Organic Farming Association of CT 

Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire 

Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York 

Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont

Northeast Organic Farming Association-Interstate Council

Nuclear Information and Resource Service 

Occupy Bergen County

Ocean Conservation Research

Ocean Defense Initiative

Oil and Gas Action Network

Oil Change International

OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon

Oregon Just Transition Alliance 

Organized Uplifting Resources & Strategies

Our Climate

Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative 

Partnership for Policy Integrity

Pass the Federal Green New Deal Coalition

Pennsylvania Action on Climate

People’s Action 

People’s Climate Innovation Center

People’s Justice Council 

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania

PODER (People Organizing to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights)

Port Arthur Community Action Network

Preserve Giles County

Preserve Salem

Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights 

Rachel Carson Council

Redeemer Community Partnership 

ReGenesis Institute


Rise to Thrive

Rural Vermont


Sacred Lands, Native Hands

Safe Energy Rights Group 

Scientist Rebellion, Turtle Island 

Social Eco Education

Seeds of Resistance 

Sierra Club

Silver Lining Farm

Society Of Native Nations

Soil Generation 

Soul Fire Farm


South Seattle Climate Action Network

Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards


Struggle for Miami’s Affordable and Sustainable Housing

Sunflower Alliance

Sunrise Durham

Sunrise Movement

Tallahassee Food Network, Inc.

Terra Advocati

The CLEO Institute 

The Climate Reality Project

The Conservation Angler

The Enviro Show

The Quantum Institute

The Solutions Project

The Story of Stuff Project

The Wilderness Society

Third Act North Carolina 

Tishman Environment and Design Center

Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment

Turtle Island Restoration Network

Union Hill Freedmen Family Research Group

Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community

Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice


Urban Tilth

Vote Climate

WE ACT for Environmental Justice

We Want Green Too.org


West Berkeley Alliance For Clean Air and Safe Jobs

Westchester Alliance for Sustainable Solutions

Western Nebraska Resources Council

Women, Food and Agriculture Network 

Youth United for Climate Crisis Action

Zero Hour



1 Sec. 154, p.84 – “None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to implement, administer, or enforce the final rule titled ‘‘Management and Protection of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska’’ and published by the Bureau of Land Management in the Federal Register on May 7, 2024 (89 Fed. Reg. 38712), or any substantially similar rule.” 


3 Sec. 478, p.219 – “None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to finalize, implement, administer, or enforce the notice of interim guidance titled ‘‘National Environmental Policy Act Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change’’ published by  the Council on Environmental Quality in the Federal Register on January 9, 2023 (88 Fed. Reg. 1196)”.

4 Sec. 449, p.191 – “None of the funds appropriated by this Act 24 may be used to implement any of the following executive 25 orders: (1) Executive Order No. 13990, relating to Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science To Tackle the Climate Crisis; (2) Executive Order No. 14008, relating to Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad;(3) Section 6 of Executive Order No. 14013, relating to Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs To Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration; (4) Executive Order No. 14030, relating to Climate-Related Financial Risk; (5) Executive Order 14037, relating to Strengthening American Leadership in Clean Cars and Trucks; (6) Executive Order No. 14057, relating to Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability; (7) Executive Order No. 14082, relating to Implementation of the Energy and Infrastructure Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022; and (8) Executive Order No. 14096, relating to Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environ23 mental Justice for All.”

Sec. 443, p. 188 – “None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to implement, administer, or enforce Executive Order No. 13985 of January 20, 2021 (86 Fed. Reg. 7009, relating to advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities through the Federal Government), Executive Order No. 14035 of June 25, 2021 (86 Fed. Reg. 34593, relating to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the Federal workforce), or Executive Order No. 14091 of February 16, 2023 (88 Fed. Reg. 10825, relating to further advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities through the Federal Government).”

5 Sec.448, p.191;  Sec. 460, p. 213; & Sec 126, Page 70.

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