Hendrik, Author at Climate Justice Alliance - Page 21 of 40

People’s Climate Justice Summit & Tribunal

On the two days following the People’s Climate March, CJA hosted the People’s Climate Justice Summit & Tribunal across the street from the United Nations, where the “official” UN Climate Summit was taking place. Over 50 CJA members and allies, including local...

2nd People’s Climate March

Thousands of people took to the street for the second ever People’s Climate March. The effort was organized by the coalition formed from the 2014 People’s Climate March, which brought over 400,000 people to the streets of New York City and many more around the world....

Our Power Pilot Site Organizations Begin Convening

To build a rooted foundation for our vision of a Just Transition, CJA identified seven pilot sites to strategize and grapple with what it means to make Just Transition real on the ground. The pilot sites were anchored by long-standing EJ organizations, including APEN...

JT Finance Training

On May 9-11, 2018, CJA held our second Just Transition Finance Training at the Voluntown Peace Trust near Providence, Rhode Island. 38 people representing 18 CJA member organizations and staff spent three days grappling with the question of how to concretely finance,...

Direct Action and Resiliency Camp

The It Takes Roots Alliance, representing 150 organizations nationwide, joined together with the Ruckus Society at Wildseed Farm in Millerton, New York from June 1-5, 2018 to train nearly one hundred leaders, organizers and community members – many from disaster...
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