Timeline Archives - Page 12 of 15 - Climate Justice Alliance

Climate Justice Youth Summit

On August 3, 2017, more than 500 young people from around the country met in New York City to attend the 6th Climate Justice Youth Summit, hosted in Brooklyn by UPROSE.   They shared their stories and built relationships with other young people from frontline impacted...

Just Transition Finance Training

Just Transition Finance Training More than 45 CJA members from 17 different groups gathered in Detroit to discuss effective and sustainable ways of funding a Just Transition. During the gathering, members talked about how to build in this current political moment and...

Beyond the Moment

While organizing for PCM events, ITR also worked concurrently as part of Beyond the Moment to support translocal actions for May Day. May Day marches in Detroit, Rhode Island, Denver, Seattle, Los Angeles, Boston, and San Francisco rocked the It Takes Roots...

CJA Drafts Just Transition Principles

After 18 months of discussions and feedback from the pilot site organizations, steering committee, and full membership body, while building from the deep history and experiences from the Just Transition Alliance, CJA released a shared set of Just Transition...

#ItTakesRoots 100 Days Delegation

Leading up to the People’s Climate March on April 29, It Takes Roots alliances organized translocal actions and another large, multiracial delegation to go to DC. The DC delegation hosted a variety of events to engage members, including congressional visits, a...
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