Climate Justice Dialogue Series - Climate Justice Alliance

In 2022, we invited Climate Philantrophy to join us in a Climate Justice Crash Course — a learning and action journey centered on Climate Justice, to go deep on understanding the frontline-developed frameworks and principles behind Environmental Justice, Climate Justice, and Just Transition – for the sake of communities, the planet, and the effectiveness of grant and investment dollars.

Part 1

Intro to Just Transition: Community-centered, Community-led Climate Solutions — History & landscape of Environmental Justice and Climate Justice movements + Just Transition 101.

Part 2

Organizing New Economies on the Ground — Just Transition in frontline communities, community-controlled capital infrastructure + Reinvest in Our Power campaign.

Part 3

Just Transition & Climate Action Strategy — Climate Justice in climate policy + People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy.

Watch the recording of this session in English and Spanish.

Watch the recording in English and Spanish.

Watch the recording in English.

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