Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services Archives - Climate Justice Alliance
Juan Parras

Juan Parras

Juan has been organizing community voices for years beginning as a social worker with the Harris County Welfare Office and later with the City of Houston Section 8 Housing Department where he organized the workers at both offices. Recognizing his unorthodox organizing...


Justice40 On January 27, 2021, President Joe Biden announced Executive Order (14008) titled “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” marking the climate crisis as a central point in foreign and national policy and planning. One of the programs created by EO...

2020 Democratic Primary

2020 Democratic Primary Demand Climate Justice and Frontline Community Solutions in the Debates Centering the Frontlines Extractive industrial systems are eroding humans’ primary means of existence on the planet. The presidential debates generate a lot of...
Energy Democracy

Energy Democracy

Energy Democracy Climate Justice Alliance What is Energy Democracy? Energy Democracy represents a shift from the corporate, centralized fossil fuel economy to one that is governed by communities, is designed on the principle of no harm to the environment, supports...

Our Power Communities

Our Power Communities Just Transition Strategies in Place Our Power Campaign The first Our Power gathering happened in 2013, hosted by the Black Mesa Water Coalition in the Black Mesa region of Arizona. The campaign brings together frontline communities and allies to...
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