Community to Community Development Archives - Climate Justice Alliance
Food Sovereignty Prize

Food Sovereignty Prize

Food Sovereignty Prize co-hosted by US Food Sovereignty Alliance and Climate Justice Alliance We’re thrilled to announce that the 2024 Food Sovereignty Prize will be co-hosted by US Food Sovereignty Alliance and Climate Justice Alliance. What is the Food...

COP26: The Net Zero COP

COP26: The Net Zero COP COP26 – Glasgow, Scotland – November 1-12, 2021 Please share the video on your social media channels Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. It Takes Roots COP26 Frontline Delegation in Glasgow, Scotland The 26th annual UN Climate Change...

Juventudes Organizado por la Justicia Climática

Juventudes Organizado por la Justicia Climática Las Juventudes en la Primera Línea del Cambio Climático Las juventudes de La Primera Línea siempre han estado al frente de los movimientos por la justicia y cambio social (desde Las Panteras Negras, Los Young Lords, El...
Youth Organizing for Climate Justice

Youth Organizing for Climate Justice

Youth Organizing for Climate Justice Young People on the Frontlines of Climate Change Frontline youth have always been on the forefront of movements for justice and social change (from the Black Panthers, the Young Lords, American Indian Movement, to the Puerto Rico...
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