UPROSE Archives - Page 3 of 6 - Climate Justice Alliance
Climate Justice Youth Summit

Climate Justice Youth Summit

Climate Justice Youth Summit September 20-21, 2019 in New York City OUR People, OUR Hoods, OUR Power! UPROSE hosted the 7th Climate Justice Youth Summit on September 20-12, 2019 in NYC. The summit kicked off with the #FrontlineClimateStrike, a powerful march in...

2020 Democratic Primary

2020 Democratic Primary Demand Climate Justice and Frontline Community Solutions in the Debates Centering the Frontlines Extractive industrial systems are eroding humans’ primary means of existence on the planet. The presidential debates generate a lot of...
Elizabeth Yeampierre

Elizabeth Yeampierre

Elizabeth Yeampierre is an internationally recognized Puerto Rican environmental/climate justice leader of African and Indigenous ancestry, born and raised in New York City. Elizabeth is co-chair of the Climate Justice Alliance, and Executive Director of UPROSE,...
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