Timeline Archives - Page 3 of 15 - Climate Justice Alliance

New Climate Justice Alliance Logo

In celebration of the 10 years since our beginning as the Our Power Campaign at the first national Climate Justice Alliance gathering on Navajo Nation lands hosted by the Black Mesa Water Coalition, we are excited to reveal our new CJA logo. “We needed something that...

Stop Cop City

Our Fights Against White Supremacy, Police Violence and the Climate Crisis are Interconnected. In the wake of the George Floyd uprising of 2020, the Atlanta Police Foundation proposed a $90 million police training compound that would be used to train police from...

Climate Justice Dialogue Series

In 2022, we invited Climate Philantrophy to join us in a Climate Justice Crash Course — a learning and action journey centered on Climate Justice, to go deep on understanding the frontline-developed frameworks and principles behind Environmental Justice, Climate...
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