Blog - Climate Justice Alliance


Transformative Voices on the Ground

Jeff Bezos, Here Are 4 Simple Ideas for Spending Your $10 Billion Well

The field of climate change philanthropy is far from simple. Newly-minted funders, despite good intentions, can actually do harm to communities they’re trying to help, and undermine climate targets they’re trying to reach. Perhaps the most important lesson we hope you’ll draw from this letter is: there is nothing worse The Earth Fund could do than meet behind closed doors and unilaterally decide what is best for people who live the realities of climate change every day. If you are sincere, you must share the power of your fund with folks on the ground.

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Youth Spotlight: Mariana Rodriguez

Youth Spotlight: Mariana Rodriguez

“I think it’s important that youth know that our future is determined by what we do. The damage that continues to be done by people in power is affecting us and the land.” Meet Mariana, a volunteer at PODER, an Latinx led environmental justice org based in San...

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Youth Spotlight: Nyheim Carter

Youth Spotlight: Nyheim Carter

Last week, as part of CJA's Youth Spotlight Interview series, we debuted our interview on our social media pages with Nyheim Carter (he/him). An intern at Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC) in New Jersey, a group that organizes around community needs, Nyheim...

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Youth Spotlight: Chelsea Turner

Youth Spotlight: Chelsea Turner

Meet Chelsea Turner: a 19 year old Youth Organizer at UPROSE, Brooklyn’s largest Latino-led community organization that seeks to engage and preserve community in the Sunset Park Neighborhood through intersectional principles and cultural expression. Chelsea spoke to us about how youth can get involved in organizing, recovering from burnout, and more.

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